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January 7, 2011

Uncharted Waters With Body Painting

Uncharted Waters With Body PaintingUncharted Waters With Body Painting

"Body painting is a form of expression used by people who like to be naked to communicate feelings and ideas about the human body by using the body itself as the canvas.Such ideas may sometimes be of a sexual nature, but that is only a small part of the possible range of thoughts that can be expressed in this way. "
Body paint is a fashionable arts newly emerged in recent years. Artists work on human body to achieve original visual effect. The popularity of body paint helps diversify its functions. Body paint is now widely applied in advertisement, promotion and marketing campaigns. In large expositions for automobile, telecom, publishing and other industries, body paint will usually be adopted as a means to bring more color to the exposition and particular manufacturers. In the 2004 ChinaJoy, many manufacturers introduced body paint in their exhibition and the gaming industry was one of the adopters of this type of promotion method.
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